Hydraulic engineering
Dykes, polders, ditch system, Wettern, canals,
locks, sluices, poldering, pumping stations
Settlement structure
Deichhufen and ribbon farms, traffic routes, yards,
villages on bridges, development on the dyke
The right of the Dutch
Dyke law, rights of the youngest, women’s rights,
no guild obligation for craftsmen, early democratic structures
Agriculture & orcharding
Fertile marsh soils, special/mild microclimate,
cultivation methods, water management,
upstream and downstream specialist companies, science
Trade & Shipping
Shipping, ports, shipyards, Altländer ship types,
feeder ships, knowledge transfer through trade
Altländer Cultural heritage
Architecture of the Fachhallenhäuser, ornamental gables, splendor gates,
churches, organ culture (Arp Schnitger), traditional costumes,
filigree jewelery, Altländer furniture, inventions